
Well what'do ya know.....NOT MUCH

Yeah really, not much. Didn't go to dinner on Tuesday, but on Wednesday had a burrito with Liz and went to walmart. Then we had somee wine and dessert while watching the tale end of lost over at A and E's. Thursday was a long day, but we got a fab meal brought to us by a vendor. MMMmmmmm honey baked Ham sammies, with two salads and a cookie. It was good day for the lab, we rarely get that much attention. Scampered out of there early by a half an hour, which gave time to nap and work out, something that has been done everyday since the 12th, oooo look at me. Had a great dinner at Liz's. A little bit everything was served because we all brought something. We had great wine as always. Mmm I really need to buy some of my own. mmmm sleep was great and then friday. We had more to do at work on Friday than we have had all week but it still wasn't much of anything. And we skipped out early again. As you can see my life is centered on food. I've been knitting and knitting on my circular shrug and its coming along nicely. Once I start working and stop all this silliness of going to do all day, I'm going to buy a sewing machine and start painting again, because I'll have whole days to my self. It will be great. Friday was good too, went out to dinner with Dana and shopped at walmart again, I've been there three times this week, I haven't been to wal mart since god only knows when and then boooooom, I'm there everyday. Well I've got things to do today like, clean and eat some more good food.

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