
MINI Cooper

MINI Cooper S!
Originally uploaded by aorr.
Ok so today in a moment of complete boredom and risking life and limb Evan and I went to test drive a mini cooper. Yes thats right a mini cooper. The car I have always wanted. A red velvet metalic 5 speed mini. I DROVE A 5 SPEED. The guy all but told Evan to take me to the nearest parking lot and show me how to drive the Damn thing, and that we did. So In one day I test drove my dream car, drove my first 5 speed, and latter in the day went 110mph on the freeway not in the mini. Um but we won't talk about that. So now I'm hooked on getting a 5 speed. I loved it. Theres nothing like having that kinda control over your car. I also loved the car. They wanted a bit more than I would give them for it so I'll have to talk them down. Oh well. Its not an S but its not a bad car. Thats the big news for the day. Amanda and Evan and I went to see the Omen after we had some Starbucks, than some late night wendy's salads and a good bottle of wine. God we're odd folks but its fun. I'm just thrilled about my learning to drive a stick. Think happy mini thoughts. CA

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